June 2, 2018 News
I know this is going to be a team effort, but I want to work to make sure the community knows they have someone leading the work that they can trust.

May 29, 2018 News
Report: High principal evaluations predict student achievement
Student achievement gains are higher in schools where principals’ leadership practices are rated more positively by their supervisors, according to a new brief by the Tennessee Education Research Alliance at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College of education and human development. Examining Tennessee school data from the 2011-12 school year through the 2014-15 school year, TERA faculty...Read MoreMay 23, 2018 News
Nashville School For Immigrant & Refugee Students Celebrates Graduates
A relatively new learning model is helping Nashville’s immigrant and refugee students succeed in school. Only in its second year, Newcomer Academy accepts students who have moved to Tennessee from another country and who have the lowest of the low English comprehension scores. In just months, students rapidly learn to write and speak English, while also taking courses focused on science,...Read More
May 9, 2018 News
Middle Tennessee high school named the best in the state for a second consecutive year
Rutherford County’s Central Magnet School was named for the second year in a row the top Tennessee public high schools, according to a 2018 U.S. News & World Report ranking. Four other Middle Tennessee public schools also sit atop the annual rankings of high schools in the state. Last year, seven of the region’s public schools topped the list. This year, a Knox County School...Read MoreApril 16, 2018 News
Why American Students Haven’t Gotten Better at Reading in 20 Years
Every two years, education-policy wonks gear up for what has become a time-honored ritual: the release of the Nation’s Report Card. Officially known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, the data reflect the results of reading and math tests administered to a sample of students across the country. Experts generally consider the tests rigorous and highly reliable—and the...Read MoreApril 13, 2018 News
“Research shows that music and arts education enhances students’ overall academic performance and improves their attendance and engagement in school, building well-rounded students ready to compete in tomorrow’s workforce.”

March 24, 2018 News
Gov. Bill Haslam unveils $3.5M plan to improve leadership skills for school principals
Tennessee wants to spend more than $3.5 million next year to improve the state’s principal pipeline. Gov. Bill Haslam said the money, earmarked in his January budget proposal, will be used for three principal leadership initiatives — preparation, retention and development. The funds are boosted by $600,000 in donations from private groups. Haslam said at a news conference that a leader...Read More
March 14, 2018 News
Three of Tennessee’s largest teacher training programs improve on state report card
Three of Tennessee’s 10 largest teacher training programs increased their scores on a state report card that seeks to capture how well new teachers are being prepared for the classroom based on state goals. The University of Tennessee-Knoxville became the first public university to achieve a top score under the State Board of Education’s new grading system, now in its second year. And Middle...Read More
February 22, 2018 News
Metro Schools hosting events to increase diversity education
Teachers in Metro Nashville Public Schools had another opportunity on Wednesday to join the school system’s push for diversity education. As part of Black History Month, the Equity and Diversity Department is hosting a series of events that are open to anyone who wants to increase their capacity to engage with students and families effectively and equitably. “As we look at...Read More
February 22, 2018 News