June 20, 2018
Nashville Newcomers Academy: Supporting Newcomer Students so They Can Succeed in School and Life
Almost 19 percent of Metro Nashville Public Schools’ student population qualifies as English Language Learners (ELLs). This means MNPS alone serves one-third of the states’ students who are learning English. With the right support, and intensive focus on their unique needs, these newcomer students can not only integrate socially— but also succeed in school and life. So in 2016, the Foundation...Read More
June 18, 2018
Nashville’s Urgent Early Literacy Challenge
There are a lot of exciting things about Nashville today. The construction cranes and new hotels, office buildings and apartments dotting our skyline offer a real time, visual reminder of our progress. During our first Nashville Education Discover Series, David Mansouri of SCORE talked with Ron Fairchild of the Campaign for Grade Level Reading and Metro Nashville Schools Director Shawn Joseph...Read MoreJune 14, 2018
Empowering Parents as Partners in their Child’s Education
Parents are key to a child’s academic success— they are their first teacher, advocate, coach and more. If a parent is unable to navigate the school system or build strong relationships with teachers, the student isn’t able to benefit from an effective partnership between home and school. Empowering all parents, regardless of background or income level, to partner in their children’s...Read MoreJune 14, 2018
Lipscomb University School Leadership Program: Preparing Future Principals to Lead High-Quality Schools
Just like any business or organization, high-quality schools need effective leaders. Yet each year, the State of Tennessee faces the challenge of filling roughly 270 school leader positions. That means 15 percent of school leadership positions turn over annually. To help our schools, teachers, and students succeed, our state must recruit and retain more quality leaders. That’s why The...Read More
June 13, 2018