A magnet school is a public school that offers specialized curricula and programs not available in traditional neighborhood zoned schools. Magnets are designed to attract students with a common interest or skillset, and students must apply and be accepted to enroll. Magnets are publicly funded schools.
Charter schools are independently run public schools that have increased flexibility in exchange for greater accountability. If a public charter school receives more applications than they have open seats, students are accepted based on a lottery. Charters are publicly funded schools.
Private schools do not receive money from the state, so they fund operations by charging tuition. Many private schools offer some form of financial aid. They’re typically run by an independent body (like a school board or the Catholic Diocese). Because they’re exempt from direct state oversight and testing, they have the freedom to choose their own standards and educational approach.
MNPS: By the Numbers (2022-2023)
69.3% in Traditional Schools
19.3% in Charter Schools
6.0% in Magnet Schools
5.4% in Non-Zoned Schools
Source: MNPS Data Warehouse
Achievement Scores

The chart shows the percentage of students who scored “On Track” or “Mastered” in Literacy and Math, as measured by TNReady, the statewide assessment.
College Readiness (2022-2023)
Ready Graduate
Met State Standards
Did Not Meet Standards
District Average ACT
“Ready Graduate” is the percentage of students who earn a regular high school diploma and meet success milestones that are aligned to increase the probability for postsecondary success, including earning a 21+ on the ACT.
SOURCE: TN Dept of Education
Teacher Data
Two-year Average Retention
All information on this page reflects the most recent publicly-available data, sourced from the state or state-based non-profit organizations. See more information on our Data Notes.