October 22, 2021
Our Students Deserve Better: The Nashville P.R.O.P.E.L. Success Story
“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” This Chinese proverb is embodied in the work of Nashville PROPEL, a parent-led organization dedicated to equipping Metro Nashville Public Schools parents with the knowledge and tools to demand a world-class education for all. An abbreviation for...Read More
August 13, 2021
Helping a Diverse Group of Local Students Become Nashville Teachers
It is undeniable that teachers have an incredible influence and make an everlasting impact in the lives of their students. According to a Teach For America article posted in 2019, studies also show that students taught by teachers who share their identities and look like them can benefit even more, both academically and emotionally. In an effort to better match the the system’s teacher...Read More
March 3, 2021
Success Story: Minority Liaison at Warren County High School
For too many high school seniors, the transition from high school to college or to a career can be a period of confusion and uncertainty. As college brochures, job listings, and financial aid forms pile up in front of them, even the most determined student may find themselves desperate for support. For minority students at Warren County High School in McMinnville, TN, this is where Leah...Read More
December 3, 2020
Nashville Teacher Residency Success Story
There is perhaps no greater gift to a child’s educational experience than the gift of a highly-skilled teacher. Since 2016, Nashville Teacher Residency (NTR) has provided educator preparation training that aims to foster diverse cohorts of new teachers, develop in them an appreciation for their Nashville and Clarksville communities, and – through the cultivation of this high-quality educator...Read More
August 21, 2020